ITfunlife --- tips removing dark point on face,skincare ( skin care tips ) ~ WELLCOME IT FUN LIFE

Tuesday 22 October 2013

ITfunlife --- tips removing dark point on face,skincare ( skin care tips )

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Tips for fear skin Treatment For Removing Dark points,

=> Now a days dark spots is common problem for both men and women. In this article we will discuss about the symptoms of dark spots especially on face and the methods for preventing dark spots. As you can easily understand by the heading “DARK SPOTS OF FACE” which means to have a different colored spots on face having uneven skin tone this is mainly due to the increase of a pigment named as melanin which determines the skin color of the body. Genetics also plays an important role in producing dark spots on face but exposure to UV rays and sunlight are the main causes of dark spots. Dark spots are also produced naturally as increase in age because the levels of melanin increase with respect to the age. Now there are five surprising causes of dark spots which are as under:
1.      Clothes:
For men clothes are not a bid issue but for women clothes can produce dark spot on their body. Especially because of under garments, due to their stiffness and material used the skin color can dramatically change. Both men and women wearing tight cloths can make the skin itchy and will irritate and produce discoloration on the spot.
2.      Face Hair Removal:
This case is mostly common in women who try different techniques fat facial hair removal which indirectly hurts the inner surface of the skin and become the cause of dark spots on face. Women use different creams, tweezers or wax but braking hair from its roots and using chemicals causes the skin to inflame which paves the skin toward discoloration.
3.      Hormonal changes:
Hormonal changes mainly occur at the age of puberty or pregnancy in case of women. These thing changes the rate of chemicals within the body and imbalances it. For many people these hormonal changes do not affect them but for many others they can appear like as dark spots.
4.      Food:
It is quite awkward to think that as if changing for balancing you diet can change your body physically. Yes its true by eating a healthy diet can change your body in a good and effective way but by too much food causes unhealthy effects. Like eating fruits having citrus which contains botanic substances that produces photo toxic reaction when exposed to sun light can cause skin burn. Same like if you put some fruit juice in your hand and then expose it to sun light it will produce skin burn and discolored steaks.
Now I will tell you about some of the 

Tips for fear skin to get rid of dark POINT on face which are as follows:

  1. Make a paste like cream which contains kesar, a half tomato, turmeric and milk. Every day apply this paste for 15 minutes.
  2. Cabbage can also help to reduce black spots. Only apply Grinned cabbage on you face as face mask.
  3. Lemons are not good for dark spots but when mixed with aloe Vera it has different affects. Mix few drops of lemon in aloe Vera and apply it as face pack it gives a better result.
  4. Apply potato paste on dark spotted area and leave it for 1 or 2 hour it also has a good effect.
  5. Eating carrots daily can also help reducing dark spots and circles.
In this article I have mentioned almost all the necessary tips for fair skin that will help prevent dark spots on face. If you have anything in your mind that you have to ask or suggest, please comment in the comment box below or directly contact me through our contact us page. Do give us feedback as your feedback will help us to improve the quality of stuff at our site.


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